A musical-comedy satire on politics, foreign affairs, and an American abroad. It takes place during the Truman presidency. The main plot centers around Sally Adams who becomes Ambassador of Lichtenburg and ''charms'' the local gentry- especially Cosmo Constanstine- with her undiplomatic manner. The subplot centers around her aide Kenneth Gibson, who is falling in love with the princess (You're Just in Love). Sally also talks with President Truman on the telephone throughout the show.
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Uploaded linked items in this show include:
0038 Embassy Garden - 18x33 |
0039 Heidelburg Landscape - 14x30 |
0035 Lichtenburg Square - 14x30 |
0034 Lichtenburg Square 18x33 |
0037 Sally's Boudoir - 18x33 |
0032 Embassy Office - 18x30 |
0036 Embassy Interior - 18x30 |
Call Me Madam
A musical-comedy satire on politics, foreign affairs, and an American abroad. It takes place during the Truman presidency. The main plot centers around Sally Adams who becomes Ambassador of Lichtenburg and ''charms'' the local gentry- especially Cosmo Constanstine- with her undiplomatic manner. The subplot centers around her aide Kenneth Gibson, who is falling in love with the princess (You're Just in Love). Sally also talks with President Truman on the telephone throughout the show.
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Contact Information
The Border Studio
Riverside Mill,
Level Crossing Road,
Selkirk TD7 5EQ
Tel:01750 20237
Fax:01750 20313
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Weinberger.com The Theater and Music Company
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